Friday, July 25, 2008


To those of you who don’t know me, my name is Meghan and I’m the Director of the Edward G. Gartland Youth Centre. I spent the last year in southern Africa working with various non-profit organizations and taking notes on youth programs in different cultures. I recently returned to the Turks and Caicos Islands and I’m thrilled with the opportunity to help start a Youth Center here on Provo!
Since the Groundbreaking on December 2, 2006, it has been a long but rewarding journey and we are happy to announce the buildings are up and basic programs are starting!
If you are around the age of 12-18 please come by the centre to see our schedule or just to find out what it’s all about! There is usually someone here to chat.
If you are over 18 we would still love for you to come and get involved! There are many long, hot days ahead of us this summer and lots of potential for new activities. We currently have dance, art and crafts, poetry, film nights and groups like Rapport and Rotaract meeting at the Centre. If you think you would like to give back to your community - get involved! A little bit of time can go a long way.
Please feel free to contact me at 331-9602 if you have any ideas, questions or just want to drop by. Check back here for updates on what’s happening.

Hope to see you all soon!

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