October 11th was another great day cleaning up the beach for 15 energetic kids with a lot of good will.
Appropriately enough, this is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada and to show our gratitude for nature, the Youth Centre went down to the Children's Park in the Bight to start out a day of community service. Our group headed east and made it to Coral Gardens where we found a large deposit of trash left carelessly to degrade in the bushes. After a good hour at that site we filled 34 of our thirty-nine gallon garbage bags and hauled it to the road by the Beach Access point. There we were met by TCI Waste Deposal who were happy to lend a hand by taking it the rest of the way.
Coral Gardens resort graciously allowed us to wash our hands and after a quick snack and some pictures, we left the site tired but rewarded!
Only one casualty when volunteer CJ cut her foot on a grate upon arriving but otherwise everything was very safe and successful. CJ and fellow volunteers Malcolm and Michelle Ross helped with transport, water, garbage bags, gloves and general good humour! Malcolm and Michelle have offered to help make this a monthly venture and to get the resorts on board to assist.
We certainly hope to see more of the community out in the future. Congratulations everyone! Job well done.
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